Private Practice Growth Resources

Resources to grow and launch a private practice

These are all of the great resources that I have found very useful in launching and growing my counseling private practice. I do want you to know that some of these things are affiliate links, meaning that I get a small commission for recommending them. With that said, I would not recommend them unless I thought they would make your counseling private practice more awesome. I take being an affiliate seriously, I am aligning myself with these products because I have experienced growth through learning through them. If your experience is different, I really want to know! If you ever have questions about me being an affiliate or how that works, please drop me an email or check out my monthly earning reports. Here are things that can really help your practice grow!

Joseph Sanok’s new e-book!

Practice of the Practice | A Start-up Guide to Launching a Counseling Private Practice

A straight-forward guide to making private practice awesome


Released on Amazon!

  • Learn how to use technology to help grow your practice
  • Marketing that is free or cheap
  • How I went from accepting insurance to fee-only services

52 week Private Practice Creation e-newsletter

This e-newsletter is a dynamic and motivating members newsletter that takes you from no private practice or maybe a struggling one and guarantees that within one year it will be thriving. There is a 200% money-back guarantee! Get the inside knowledge that goes well past the podcast, blog, or free content. Why not have Joe as your personal consultant, coaching you along the way toward greatness?

Only $195

Here’s what I am including:

  • A newsletter that you get every week for 52-weeks.
  • 200% guarantee if by the end of the 52-weeks you have read the emails and implemented them and they have not improved your practice to at least make what you spent, I’ll give you back your subscription 2x.
  • I’ll also send you a copy of my e-book.

Sign up now!


The Start-up Guide to Guerrilla Marketing

This is a great book about marketing tactics that are free, cheap, and effective. I read this book while my wife and I were on a 6 week road trip. We were moving back to our home town of Traverse City, where I was going to be starting my counseling private practice. This book was the catalyst for so many of the ideas that got me started. I require anyone that I am supervising to buy this and The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (PracticePlanners). -Joseph R. Sanok | Practice of the Practice | We’re making counseling private practice awesome through marketing, consulting, and podcasting


Why Johnny Can’t Brand

Although this book is much more “big picture” than The Start-up Guide to Guerrilla Marketing it is an essential read to understanding what makes marketing work! I have a friend down in Austin, TX who does app development (see my article about him “A Successful Guide to Friends will Benefits“). I asked him, “What three business books would you recommend?” Of the three, this was my favorite and the one that will be most useful to counselors.

-Joseph R. Sanok | Practice of the Practice | We’re making counseling private practice awesome through marketing, consulting, and podcasting


Mail Chimp is a FREE e-newsletter format, similar to Constant Contact. You can track when/how people open the newsletters, how you compare to the industry, and individualize names. If you are on my Practice of the Practice e-newsletter, you know how great the e-newsletters look. If not, sign up now to start learning about how to grow your counseling private practice, click here.


Business Cards

I really like the designers MOO or Overnight Prints, they have quality card stock which makes the card feel more professional. Postcards: Where I get postcards printed because they are really cheap and I want to be able to pass them out like candy to promote the private practice and things i am working on.


A domain is your “address” online, for example, mine is Buying one is the very first step in launching a private practice or improving one. In buying one, you want to think about what people are searching for in your area. What are their keywords?

For example, I bought a while ago and my ranking almost immediately went up.

Thank you in advance for using my affiliate link. I have loved how easy Namecheap is to use, click here for their link.

Link to buy your domain through Namecheap


Next you need to get hosting. Great hosting is secure and will not be hacked easily. Also, great hosting is easy for the non-techy as well as the one that knows HTML. I personally use Bluehost because of these reasons. There are lots of hosts out there, but they integrate really easily into WordPress. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to try and answer them.

Also, since the front end linking between Namecheap, Bluehost, and WordPress is often difficult, I’d be happy to do that for free for you if you use my Bluehost affiliate link. Just send me an email after you use the link and tell me your website URL, I’ll get you started.

Link to buy your hosting through Bluehost

Podcast about building a website

Practice of the Practice 002 | Launching a counseling private practice website Part 1

Practice of the Practice 003 | Launching a counseling private practice website Part 2

 Subscribe to Joe’s Podcast in iTunes.


If you know what you’re looking for, here are the links to specific resources. Otherwise, all of the resources are on this page. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact me. I’d be happy to help! -Joe

Marketing Resources

Clinical Resources

Legal Resources

Resources for building your own website

Resources for growing and launching a counseling private practice