Debbi Dachinger is a Media Visibility Expert who can help you get more exposure | PoP 443

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Debbi Dachinger is a Media Visibility Expert who can help you get more exposure | PoP 443

Are you struggling to be seen and heard? What does it take for you to be a great podcast guest? How can you make sure to overcome your fears surrounding visibility?

In this podcast episode, Joe Sanok speaks with Debbi Dachinger about increasing your exposure and overcoming fears surrounding visibility.

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Meet Debbi Dachinger

Debbi Dachinger is a Media Personality and Media Visibility expert who has been interviewed on over 1,000 media outlets. She is a syndicated, award-winning podcast host, nominated for two People’s Choice Podcast Awards, interviews celebrities on the red carpet, a keynote speaker, a certified coach and the author of three international bestselling books. As a Media Visibility Authority, Debbi coaches people on how to write a page-turner book, runs a company that guarantees your book becomes an international bestseller and teaches the Ultimate Visibility Formula – How to be Interviewed on Radio & Podcast shows in 60 Days or Less.

Visit Debbi’s website and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Click here to work with  Debbi.

In This Podcast


  • Fears surrounding visibility
  • The ultimate visibility formula as a podcast guest
  • Things to keep in mind when being a podcast guest

Fears surrounding visibility

  • Somebody would ask you about your story – to fight this you would need to be able to say this is who you are, this is what happened and this is authentically you
  • If you do eventually tell your story, you may hurt some people
  • People are afraid they will freeze
  • The idea that you need to know everything when in actual fact you don’t

The ultimate visibility formula as a podcast guest

  • Know where the right show is for you – if you’re an author, go on a book podcast, etc
  • Understand that the host is giving you a well-nurtured audience
  • When approaching a host about being on their podcast make sure that you have a media one sheet and compose a thoughtful email
  • Once you get on the show make sure that you know your statistics and how to tell a story

Things to keep in mind when being a podcast guest

  • Your book can get you on a show but it won’t keep you on a show
  • Provide lots of content and value
  • Let the host lead
  • Have 1-2 key talking points so that you can keep circulating back to them
  • Do not friend people on social media and immediately start pitching them without building a relationship

Books by Debbi Dachinger

Other books mentioned in this episode

Useful Links:

Meet Joe Sanok

private practice consultant

Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners that are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with Joe.

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Podcast Transcription

[JOE]: This is the Practice of the Practice podcast with Joe Sanok, session number 443. Between writing notes, filing insurance claims, and scheduling with clients, it can be hard to stay organized. That’s why I recommend Therapy Notes. Their easy to use platform lets you manage your practice securely and efficiently. Visit to get two months free today. Just use promo code [JOE]. That’s [J O E] when you sign up for a free trial over at
Well, I’m Joe Sanok your host and welcome, welcome, welcome. Really glad to have you here. We have a lot going on. I mean Slow Down School tickets are selling and people are coming here to Northern Michigan in July, but you know, if that’s not for you, Killin’It Camp is our gigantic conference. I mean it is the private practice conference and we have opened up tickets at this point for Killin’It Camp. You’re going to want to grab your early bird ticket, come hang out with us in Estes Park, Colorado. Last year we surprised people with goat yoga, we had an open bar for two nights, made sure people knew about elevation and, it was, we had 140 people and this year we’re anticipating around 400 people. We have over 18 breakout sessions. It’s going to be amazing. And so, you’re going to definitely want to get your early bird because there are some extra bonuses that you’ll get with that too. So, head an over to and grab that ticket. It’s going to be on early October so we won’t get snowed on like we were last year.
So, we have keynotes that I do and we have other people do that help you learn about everything private practice, everything big idea. We have tracks all around scaling and passive income and pillars of practice. So those are kind of the three tracks we have and it is going to be a good time. I love putting on conferences that are lots of fun. So, make sure you check that out over at You don’t want to miss out. A lot of people that we heard they missed out because they just didn’t hear about it. The biggest thing if you sign up that you can do is let somebody else know. Say, “Hey, grab your ticket. Let’s be roommates or let’s travel together.” It’s such a fun community event for private practice owners to just get together.
So, today we have Debbi Dachinger who is a media visibility expert and she’s going to just talk all about increasing your exposure. I cannot wait for you to learn from Debbi. So, without any further ado, I’ll give you Debbi.
Well, today on the Practice of the Practice podcast, we have Debbi Dachinger. She is a media personality and media visibility expert who has been interviewed on over a thousand media outlets. She has a syndicated, award-winning radio and podcast host and recently nominated for two People’s Choice Podcast Awards. Debbi, welcome to the Practice of the Practice podcast.
[DEBBI]: Joe, it is so great to hang out with you. Thanks for having me.
[JOE]: Yeah, I am so excited to have you here today. We got to hang out at New Media Summit in San Diego and you are this person that helps people just find their visibility. And so, for therapists, private practitioners, people listening, I know that they’re going to get a ton of value out of this. But I want to go back a little bit. When did you start getting into visibility as a thing you are into?
[DEBBI]: Yeah, that’s a good question, Joe. I have always been doing visibility, although not cognizantly because in the beginning, the inception from the time I was really young, I was acting and singing. I did that through my teen years, I went to USC for performing arts, I went out in the world and I was a professional actress and singer and then just, I came to a crossroads and it was pretty shocking. Your practitioners will understand that feeling of identity. Like I’ve only known this one thing. Who else am I if I am not that? And I didn’t have the answers and they certainly did not come to me with ease and grace. So I went on this three-year journey of just literally surrendering, but because I’m so creative, things had to fill that space like jewelry making and I sold jewelry in stores and I sang with a big band and a jazz band and made money and I spoke around Los Angeles to companies and did inspirational talks.
I was just doing stuff until I was doing voiceover cartoons and making great money and loving it. Just looking for more work for my voice, literally when I saw an ad for radio over 12 years ago and I answered the ad, I got the job and before you knew it, it parlayed into a couple of months into Dare to Dream, which is still my show. However, today it’s radio and podcast. And this unfoldment occurred, it was amazing journey actually of letting go and not knowing and the unfoldment led me to writing books, which led me to becoming an international bestseller, which led people coming to me and saying, “I’d like to interview you. I think you’re an expert.” Which led me to recognize I was terrible at being interviewed and I realized it was different hosting a show then being interviewed on a show. And so, I set about like the beautiful nerd I am to do tons of research and find out what does it take to do this correctly and to really connect with people.
That was about a year of immersion. When I came out, I was getting results and then people were coming to me. They were interested in what I had and were doing, and, you know, I didn’t realize the perfection of my journey was leading me exactly where I’m meant be today. That what I do out in the world with my show, with being interviewed, with writing books and helping others do the same privately and in groups, this is exactly what I’m born to do. And I’ll just end it by saying this piece visibility was my core wound. So, for me to take it on at some point in that journey, to earnestly heal the wound around being seen and heard, really, I recognized this is my gift. Now that I understand this and I have this healing, it is incumbent on me for anyone who is having that or suffered neglect or doesn’t understand the joy and the power of being seen and heard, “Let me help you. Let that be my mission.”
[JOE]: What do you mean visibility was your core wound?
[DEBBI]: I mean that I grew up in a household where there was not a lot of space or capacity for me to be seen and heard. I had a brother too, but I can’t speak for him. I know he had his own ruins from our experience growing up. We didn’t have a father in the house, he was a Holocaust survivor who made other choices and just couldn’t be intimate. So that’s difficult for a kid, I could say for a girl growing up to not have a father figure. And when I did meet him to meet someone very, very critical and judgmental, it was tough. You know, I danced really hard to be pretty imperfect and anything to be loved and it really didn’t work because he wasn’t capable. And I had a mom who was very wounded in her own way and one of her ways of coping was to talk incessantly, negatively, often. So, I had to leave my body, I just go out, you know, I couldn’t bear basically being in the home. It was very chaotic and I didn’t have that soft place or the people to say, “Hey, you’re special. Hey, we see you. Hey you fill in the blank of what a kid really needs.” And so, I made choices. I made very limiting decisions about who I was, about my lack of worth and value and that it must be that I wasn’t to be seen and heard. And it manifested in the outside for someone who was actually built for stage and being in a spotlight. I had this incredible, incredible shyness and social awkwardness and it took many, many years to get through that.
[JOE]: Wow. You know, even before we started recording this, you were talking about how being visible is more an inside job than just learning techniques or learning how to be a good guest. What helped you embrace being visible? Like, how did you work through that to be able to own your visibility?
[DEBBI]: So, it’s an amalgam. It was not just one thing, but when the next perfect thing came along, I definitely got involved. There was a lot of energy healers who came my way and anytime I had big stuff come up, big chunks and frankly I would speak on stage, I was asked to speak on stage all the time and I had probably just under panic attacks. I hated it so much. And then every time I hit the stage I was in my glory and I thought this is ridiculous to put myself through this, but I really feel impotent to make a change. So, I was on the journey like whatever it takes the next right thing. And I’ll tell you Joe, that I did enough healing. Enough, like at some point I said, “Am I ready for this? Can I still take the mic and let that inform me further? Can I take the camera and let that inform me further? Can I just trust the divine that the divine put me here for great purpose and there are no mistakes and I’m meant to be doing this and whatever this is like literally release it into the light because it’s not serving me, it’s not serving the source of my understanding, it’s not serving the people I came here to serve. Let me just move forward. Anyway I have done enough.” And almost from the moment I made that choice, I have to say the most profound healing came because the message changed inside of me and on the outside.
[JOE]: I was just listening to a Ram Dass podcast yesterday and he was talking about, he didn’t call it operating system, but basically the idea is that we’re all given an operating system from our parents and we have to choose throughout our life if we’re going to upgrade that without getting rid of the previous operating system. And that idea of kind of looking at where we were and where we’re headed, it’s just such an important thing to say we don’t have to get rid of everything, but we can take the best of it and transcend and include. I’m wondering, you mentioned how kind of you had this career going and then you shifted gears, and I think that there’s people that that’s easier for and there’s people that’s harder for, and it usually seems that the attachment to the role, so I’m an actress, I’m a speaker or for me it was, I’m a therapist, I have a counseling private practice that for me leveling up meant that I had to sell my counseling practice. I had to move out of that role as a mental health clinician and move more into the role as consultant podcaster. Talk about maybe that change in identity and maybe what was easy in that and, what was tough about that?
[DEBBI]: I say the toughest thing about it is the not knowing. You know, I think most of us had this feeling, “If I’m going to let go and fill in the blank, if I’m going to let go of this relationship, if I’m going to let go of choosing to live in this state or country, if I’m going to let go of this career, then please somebody tell me what’s next and make sure it’s good.” Next time, I am up leveling because it’s scary, the not knowing, and yet it’s like, wow, do you have to pull on faith? If I’m being called to release this at this time, I have to know it’s got to be better. The rollercoaster has got to be heading upwards. And so, I would say the faith part was big, the surrendering part was, those were the most difficult and yet truthfully, pain is a great deterrent, right? And I realized I’m uncomfortable doing what I’ve done my whole life. It’s not going away. I’ve really tried to manage it, so let me just accept it for today.
I guess the good news with all of that is at the very worst, you could always go back to it. You could check it out for a year and go, “Well that didn’t quite work out. I’ll go be an actress again.” But that’s not what happened. I actually really embraced the surrender. It was three years, which is a long time of releasing, but it wasn’t just complete emptiness. The one thing I was really clear about is, and I think it’s good to know where is your North Star? I mean, I am so, so creative. If I’m not creating, if I’m not singing, if I’m not writing, if I’m not doing something in front of people somehow emoting, you know, living out loud, then it’s not going to bode well for me. So, I knew enough about that. And then at the same time, I just think naturally things were coming into my life as opportunities and when my belly got excited about it, “Oh, jewelry, this looks great,” and I’d make jewelry and suddenly people said, “Where’d you get that?” “I made it.” “Oh my God, can I buy it?” “Yeah, sure.”
I realized I’ve got something. “Ah, business is born.” So, there were all these, you know, interesting starts going on and the end of the road for each of them was, is this still for me? And I realized, “I love this, it has served me but it’s not it.”. And I was okay to let it go and let the next thing. I guess the most important thing through all of that discomfort of not knowing was that there was a ton of opportunities. There was always opportunities to say yes to. And so that really kept me going and thankfully because I followed the energy and said yes to what was right and light that opened me up to being where I am today. Like the switchbacks got me here.
[JOE]: Oh, that’s so awesome. Well, share a little bit about visibility in general. Like what are people’s core fears? You know, you hear people would rather be in the casket than speak at the funeral. You know, I mean, Jerry Seinfeld said that, so why do people not want to be visible? I even see it with, you know, my brother-in-law, he is I think six, five, six, six and he’s only now starting to stand up straight because for so much of his life it was kind of being a little bit shorter, like to be around his friends and that he couldn’t be as true self and stand up all the way. And there’s, you know, we all have those kinds things. What are other things you see with people that are reasons why they fear being visible?
[DEBBI]: I would say it’s several things. Something that other people may relate to, one of my big fears was that somebody was going to ask me my story. I had a lot of shame around my childhood. Even though obviously as a child you have no responsibility there, it was other people, but I didn’t want to tell people. I didn’t want to tell people how painful it was for me growing up, I didn’t want to actually go there, I didn’t want to touch upon those feelings for me. So, for some people, it’s actually about pulling back the curtain and saying, “This is who I am, this is what happens, this is authentically me.”
[JOE]: And do you think that some of the fear there is, if there’s, say people like apparent that’s still alive, that they’re going to experience pain because of your story?
[DEBBI]: Yes, actually that’s really, really big. Without a doubt. My brother who wrote a book himself reached out to me when he, you know, now he’s been interviewed a ton, but when he started to be interviewed, he reached out to me because he’s an introvert whereas I’m an extrovert and he was very, very, very concerned about that. So, he wanted to know how did I navigate it, how much could he say, should he say? So, I would say, you know, that’s quite big. You know, I don’t want to hurt anybody. I’ve got people, a lot of clients who have, I’ve coached to write a book and that comes up quite a bit. I mean, everything from pedestrian questions around what should I do, should I change the names to protect the innocent to I need a lawyer. Like this is my ex and I need to tell this story and I need to find out how I’m going to be okay.
So that’s actually quite big and it’s important. It’s an important question to ask. Always be safe and sure when you’re putting anything out in the world because it’s out there ad infinitum forevermore. So that’s one I would say. The other thing is in general confidence that people are afraid they’re going to freeze or fudge or what happens if, some people are concerned I need to know everything about my expertise when in fact you don’t. And some people have a different vision of themselves than what they actually are out in the world. This is a pretty big one and an interesting one. They say, well, I’m this, but I really don’t like to speak in front of people or I’m that, but I really don’t want to be on camera or something when in fact, I know in two seconds that actually they would rock a microphone. They just haven’t made that leap yet.
And it’s interesting for me because if you take the term visibility into meteorology, visibility is actually a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned, right? So it’s important because we all have this light and we all have a piece of a puzzle, some information that nobody else has that is coming through our filter and if we’ll trust it going out into the world that it’s actually going to reach the people it needs to reach, then we are doing such a great service by allowing ourselves to be visible at a time when we can help so many people.
[JOE]: So, I know you have the ultimate visibility formula that you’re helping people, especially folks that are going to be interviewed on podcasts. Maybe take us through some of those core elements around what it takes to be a good podcast guest and kind of what you’ve seen in people that are ultra-successful in using podcast guesting to grow their business.
[DEBBI]: I think it’s really important to know where the right shows are for you. I think that’s the beginning because if you’re an author, go on a book podcast or go on a podcast that’s related to the book that you’ve written or the subject of your expertise because then you’re speaking to your tribe, right? You’re not working to build a community. Your community’s already built-in. I would say understand that the host is giving you a well-nurtured audience, something, someone that they have developed a relationship with so it’s actually an honor to be asked. Like, it’s an honor for me today to be with you today, Joe, and I really appreciate it and I hope that I’m helping somebody out there or somebodies who may be thinking about doing something a little big, breaking out of being small in their realm and really rocking it right now.
It’s important to know how to approach the host or the station or the producer because you want to get a yes and the way to approach them is to have a Media One Sheet. Know how to put together a really succinct and direct email. Be sure in the email that it’s not me, me, me, that you’re offering. Here’s the content and value I’m going to provide for your audience. And generally, you’ll get a yes and you want to write directly to us. Right, you know, make it a warm email. And I’d say once you get on the show, know how to do an interview. Know everything between statistics. I could like, you know, tell you a ton of statistics about different subjects, know how to tell a story and so forth and, and I’ll tell you like about the visibility piece. Something that’s interesting and I hope this really inspires people.
One of my clients, I’ll call her R she’s very, very, very talented in what she does. And she hired me for visibility and we were working together and R said to me, “You know, I sort of feel this call, but I’m pretty clear there is no way I’ll be on radio.” She had done one show, she didn’t do well, she didn’t, she froze a lot and she said, “I just don’t think this is for me but I think working with people privately in groups is my wheelhouse.” And while I really appreciated her limited point of view, I knew very clearly this woman was incredibly built to be in front of people in a massive way. She was so talented and so we did a couple of months of work together, but before month three R came back and said to me, “I want you to know I’m about to sign a contract.” And she is with a network like Netflix and they’re developing a reality show based around her. So sometimes if we get out of our own way and really let our own expertise rip if you will just come through us. It’s amazing what we’re actually capable of. So, I would say that’s the other piece; it’s when you’re being interviewed, let your light shine. Like really be present less for your own limitations and way more for the masses who are ready to hear what you have to say.
[JOE]: Yeah. Now you mentioned stories and I think that’s something that really good guests are able to weave stories into the way that they answer questions. What are the elements that you think make a good story on a podcast?
[DEBBI]: You know, it’s a lot like Joseph Campbell’s hero and heroine story. So, you’re looking for you or your clients, or maybe it’s something in the news, but you do need to have an arc and you do need to have a place where you started, where it’s the problem. You need to have all the obstacles that befall you and you need to know where you’re leading people to. And often the de pneumo of the story or the outcome, it does have to tie into why you’re doing what you’re doing. And usually the why is, you know, naturally I want to introduce myself to your people and then at the same time, I want them to walk away with a feeling like, “Oh, I can do this or I’m interested in pursuing this, or okay, after hearing this, I know it’s my time to write my book or to be, learn how to be interviewed,” something. Or, you know, now I know I need a statistic. I need to know that if I say to people 85% of people who want to write a book are never going to do it. You know, and the other 15% who say they’re going to write a book, maybe 3% are going to finish the darn book. Those are not good statistics. Go get a book writing coach and accountability coach. See you finish it. That has an impact. Same thing with a story. When you tell a story well, it can really change things for you. And it changes the rhythm too.
[JOE]: Yeah, I love Carmine Gallo’s book Talk Like Ted where he looks at the top 200 Ted talks and he breaks down what some of the things that they have in common. And one of the things he noted was that most of them have 40% story, 40% research or science and only 20% ‘here’s what you should do with this.’ And, so when you think about New York Times bestsellers when you think about podcasts, when people follow that, when they tell their backstory when they talk about those transformations, and then they back up those decisions with research, I think the brain naturally goes back and forth between the left and right hemisphere where you’re saying, “Okay, I really want to understand how this person got to this point,” but then to understand it’s not just that one person’s point of view. There’s actually something scientific that’s happening here as well that’s just so powerful to be a good guest on a podcast, to have that ability to bounce back and forth.
[DEBBI]: Yeah. And you know, it’s much like music Joe, right? You don’t sit down and listen to one note. You get bored and walk away. But the thing that’s intriguing about music is you’ve got a chorus and you’ve got a bridge and you’ve got an introduction and sometimes they bled and then they, you know, ABA, ABA theme and all this beauty is happening and it keeps us entranced. And it’s the same thing when you’re listening to somebody. You want to make sure there’s a little bit of animation, you want to get a good story, you want to get a statistic, you want to get a soundbite, you want to get the research, all of it. It makes it a well-rounded conversation.
[JOE]: So, what, what else in regards to being a podcast guest would you say is essential for people to master or essential for them to avoid?
[DEBBI]: I think it’s really important to know that your book can get you on a show, but it’s not going to keep you on a show. And a lot of people today who are writing books get so excited about it and feel like, “Oh, you know, I wrote a book and that’s great.” And the tough news so has everybody else these days, right? We’re inundated with books and so what you want to do is provide tons of content and value. You also want to recognize it’s the host show, let them lead. That’s very important. Good to have speaking points. But I would say even more directly what I teach my clients is to have one to two key points. So, if you’re going on an interview, rather than trying to cover all the ground of what you do and provide out in the world, just have one or two ideas so you can keep circulating back to them in different ways. It actually makes a much more powerful interview.
[JOE]: Oh, that’s, that’s such great advice. Now, as you work with people, what are some mistakes you see them make or, you said getting a book done may get you on the podcast, but it doesn’t keep you on it. What are the things that people really should avoid doing?
[DEBBI]: Yeah. Okay. Boy, here comes the list. Social media. There are people who reach out on social media. For instance, I get people who write to me, maybe they connect with me, right? They say they want to “be my friend” and I don’t really know them and I’m always at 5,000 and having to delete people. So, I’ve got some space, I say yes to this person, and the very next thing that happens is I get a private message from them saying, “Hi, I see you’ve got a podcast. My name is, I wrote, I do. Here’s my press media kit.” Or even worse, they don’t do that and they just give me their website and think that I’m going to spend a couple of hours investigating them to see if they’re a fit for my show. Never going to happen and I’ll tell you, Facebook, not the place to do it, and major turnoff. What I will do though is unfriend them.
[JOE]: Oh my gosh. I feel like a good third of the time on LinkedIn that happens to me. Someone wants to connect, the next thing is, “I’m an SEO marketer,” and every time I’m like, it’s like we just met at the bar and you asked me to move in with you. Like, are you kidding me? We just became connected on LinkedIn. That doesn’t mean you get to pitch me and then right away unconnected. Oh yeah. It’s just kind of basic humanity. Just, you know, we aren’t on here just to market ourselves.
[DEBBI]: Yes. Oh my God, Joe, me too on LinkedIn. The other thing on LinkedIn is I get all these people say, “I help you on the back end of podcasts, I promote you, I edit your shows, I transcript your shows.” And I, again, I have, I don’t know who you are, I don’t have references, I don’t know what country you’re writing to me from or what state of mind, and it’s really uncomfortable and it’s not going to go down. And you know, it does smack of desperation too, which is also not attractive. So that’s not the right way to, if you’re interested in us, please put together the email I talked about, a Media One Sheet, you know, this stuff is simple, and easy, and if you don’t even want to do a live course with me, if you’d prefer, you know, you can go on Thinkific. I’ve got stuff under Debbi D, you know, I can give you links for my Thinkific place, but I’ve got a really, really, really inexpensively priced course and you can learn all of this so you do it right.
And, the other thing I want to say, and I think this is really important, I can tell Joe, because you know, I’ve researched you as well and you have interviewed some really big names. I’ve interviewed some big names; I love those conversations. I love our conversation right now. It’s very compelling. And I think one of the myths that people think is, “Oh, I can’t be interviewed. I need a really big platform.” But you know, it’s not always true. When you consider that there’s seven, let me see if I could do this number, 710,000 podcasts right now. Seven thousand ten seven —
[JOE]: 710,000
[DEBBI]: [crosstalk] And the point is there are 3000 new podcasts rolling out every week. There are five times as many Americans who listen to a podcast as watch television. These are staggering numbers and the statistics go further that whereas before it was the 30 to 65 age group. Oh, it is now. The quite young are also very much involved in podcasts. Let me tell you when 3000 new podcasts are rolling out, do you think they need guests? Do you think they may be looking for you? So, platform, pasha, but let me tell you what you do need to do and this goes very far. Get your host everything they need before they need it. Anticipate that and have it together right to them properly. If you have tech issues, do not look to your host. You figure it out or have a team and do a great job.
Remember the well-nurtured audience that they are loaning to you. Be sure to show up and provide, provide, provide whatever they’re asking for. And when you’re done, create a relationship. This is an influencer, right? How can I serve you? What do you need? Check-in on them. Say, “Thank you, thank you so much for having me on the show and doing such a great job.” And PS, if they have gotten your business just by virtue of giving you exposure on their program, please send them a Starbucks card, send them a gift, send them something to say, “Wow, I sold books because of you,” or “I got clients,” or “I sold a workshop, or you moved my needle and I really appreciate you.” We work very hard as podcasters and anytime we receive some love, it’s very meaningful and we remember.
[JOE]: Hundred percent. I’ve kept every single ‘Thank you note’ everybody’s sent me from the podcast. It’s like they’re all in this one pile that at some point I plan to put up on the wall or something, but you know, it’s just, when someone takes the time to say, “Hey, thanks so much for having me on the show,” or “Thanks so much for doing your show. It’s helped me grow my practice.” It’s like, wow, that means a lot. Especially when there are those trolls out there that treat you poorly and you can go back to those people that are treating you kindly. Well, Debbi, the last question I always ask is, if every clinician in the world were listening right now, what would you want them to know?
[DEBBI]: Oh wow. I love that question. Let me feel into my heart a little bit. So, I told you before the show started that I have clinicians in my family. My sister-in-law is a therapist, my uncle, and my aunt. So, you know, we’ve got that in our family and of course, I’ve spent time with clinicians myself. That was part of my healing journey. And I guess what I want them to know is, lead us out of the darkness. If you can do anything is help us see our light, help us see we are not broken, we are not damaged. And the parts of us, I think perhaps where the wound is to recognize there is also the gift and what that gift is.
[JOE]: Oh, that’s such great advice. Debbi, if people want to connect with your work, if they’re interested in this course what are the best ways for them to connect with you?
[DEBBI]: Well, you can reach me on any social media platform as a friend. [crosstalk] Exactly. I know you learn that well here. It is my name under all social media platforms under Instagram and Twitter and LinkedIn and so forth. It is Debbi Dachinger, spelled D E B B I, D A C H I N G E R. And as well, if you’re interested in the ultimate visibility formula working live with me and it’s a great, beautiful community. It’s a guaranteed
[JOE]: Awesome. Well, we’ll have links to all of that in the show notes. Debbi, thank you so much for being on the Practice of the Practice podcast.
[DEBBI]: It’s been an honor, Joe. Thanks for having me.
[JOE]: So, what are you going to do that Debbi taught you today? What action are you going to take? How are you going to get more visibility, because local visibility, national, it helps you level up in so many different ways. So, take some action. Let me know. Even more so, do support Therapy Notes. Sign up for your electronic health records. If you haven’t signed up for Therapy Notes, you are missing out on automations for your practice that you really should have. It’s a level of professionalism that you’ve just got to have. And their customer service is mind-blowing. So, head on over to Therapy Notes, use promocode [JOE] to get two months free at checkout. If you are in Next Level Practice, you can get six months for free. So that’s an amazing deal for being a part of Next Level Practice. If you’re not in Next Level Practice, We only open it a few times a year. I think we’re only doing three this year and so you’ll want to make sure that you are on that waitlist for sure.
Thanks so much for letting me into your ears and into your brain. Have an amazing week.
Special thanks to the band Silence is Sexy for your intro music. We really like it. And this podcast is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is given with the understanding that neither the hosts, the publisher, or the guests are rendering legal, accounting, clinical, or other professional information. If you want a professional, you should find one.